Cancelled: Join us for our Annual FunRaising Dinner!
To help stop the spread, we are cancelling our annual FunRaising Dinner. While we are disappointed we won’t be able to hold this special evening, we know it’s in the best interests of our collective health.
However, at this point our summer camps are still a go! We’ll be in touch in the near future with an opportunity to help out and make sure more special needs individuals get an amazing summer camp experience!
Thanks for your understanding,
The team at AdaptAbilities
This special evening supports AdaptAbilities’ “Hearts In Action” camps. Funds raised at the dinner help to connect special needs individuals with a camp experience that every individual deserves. Help them create memories, develop new friendships and pursue opportunities to grow, succeed and belong.
With your help, we can remove financial barriers to support these kids with a full camp experience!
Your ticket includes:
- Welcome beverages
- Reception and networking
- A delicious culinary experience
- Complimentary bottles of wine at each table
- Complimentary coat and bag check
- An unforgettable evening of memorable entertainment
- Silent auction and more!
Thursday, April 23rd, 2020
5:30 – 9:00 pm
Polish Hall Banquet and Conference Centre
10960 104 Street
Special thanks to our fabulous sponsors!
Interested in sponsoring our event? Download our sponsorship package.