Empowering families and individuals to grow, succeed, and belong – it starts here!

Registered Charity Name: Alberta AdaptAbilities Association

Charitable Registration Number: 848903944RR0001

Other Giving Options:

(1) If you prefer to make recurring donations by Debit from your Bank Account, please complete this  Form sign, scan and email to or mail to: AdaptAbilities, 10130 – 82 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z4.

(2) If you would like to donate to AdaptAbilities by Interac e-transfer, please (a) use the email address when you do the e-transfer and (b) send an email to to indicate the password you have set up for the e-transfer to be received – and please use DONATION as the subject line in your email.

(3) Please consider making a gift to AdaptAbilities in your will and financial plan. For more information: or 780-431-8446, ext. 3052.

Thank You!

To our generous community donors and sponsors for your continued support and involvement in building a vision of inclusion, one person at a time.