Our Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Pandemic Planning Is the Priority

Like everyone else, we continue to adapt our programs and our response to the rapidly-changing circumstances from the COVID-19 pandemic. We are fortunate to continue to operate many of our programs, but we have made adjustments in our delivery.

Our top priority is, and will always be the safety of our participants, families and staff.

What We Are Doing:

To follow guidelines set by AHS, funders, PDD/FSCD and ACDS, we have made the following changes to our programs:

  1. Online programming is offered in the day at Community Connect and evenings during our Social Nights.
  2. We are using a dedicated, separate entrance at McKernan Centre to enter and exit the building. This helps us maintain cohorts and stay separated from other people using the facility.
    You can find this entrance by taking the stairs that face 114 Street.
  3. Centre-based programming is limited to 15 people (including staff) in our space at any time.
  4. All staff have been trained in the proper use of PPE, physical distancing, sanitation/hygiene protocols and other COVID-related safety measures.
  5. All individuals entering any AdaptAbilities facility will complete a daily, mandatory health screen. Their temperature will be taken using a non-invasive, no-contact thermometer (readings are taken on the forehead or behind the ear). No in-person service will be delivered if either a staff or family member does not pass the daily health screen or if a staff or participant presents symptoms during in-person programs.
  6. All AdaptAbilities employees will continuously mask when providing in-person services. We encourage our participants to mask, if possible. Families and participants are asked to self-identify if they are unable to wear a mask for in-person programs.
  7. AdaptAbilities programs will not use public transit.
  8. If staff are driving a participant, they must be masked. They must exit the vehicle and re-enter if they are in the vehicle for 15 minutes. This will be repeated every 15 minutes.
  9. AdaptAbilities will not access venues that include water such as swimming pools or spray parks.  Venues in the community will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, dependent on the safety of the venue and ability of the participant to stay masked and follow physical distancing and safety protocols.

Return to Service or Return to Work:

Staff and participants are subject to a 10-day isolation period and until symptoms disappear. No in-person service will be received or delivered during this time.

Staff and participants can resume services earlier if a test for COVID-19 returns negative and the person does not present any symptoms.

Anyone with symptoms will be asked to be tested and will isolate pending results.

How You Can Help:

We deeply appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

We will update and make changes to rules based on direction from our Chief Medical Officer of Health.

Have questions? Please let us know.