Kayla – A Breath of Fresh Air!

Meet Kayla! She is full of kindness, loves making tea, chatting with her friends during Social Club, reading stories, playing UNO, colouring, creating art, and helping her peers and staff. Kayla is cheerful and growing into a confident, beautiful young woman. She is independent, loves to spend time with her mom and dad and adores Sabine, the woman who shares her home and supports her success. She is also proud of her big brother who lives in BC. At the Community Connect program at the Orange Hub, Kayla is a delight as she works hard to reach her goals.

Kayla lives with Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome (RTS), a disability that brings learning challenges to her world. Although Kayla and her family have faced many challenges in the past 27 years, Kayla has shown tremendous growth in her motivation and abilities in recent months.

The team at AdaptAbilities has created meaningful learning opportunities for Kayla as she explores her interests and knowledge to further develop her daily life skills. With a gracious donation of Fitbits, Kayla has grown to love physical activity while tracking her daily activities. She has joined the Walking Club, participates in weekly Zoom yoga classes, and has started journaling about her health and wellness journey. She takes part in 1:1 Occupational Therapy sessions where she has created a physical activity program for herself and improved her ability to understand and regulate her emotions.

Kayla communicates her needs and sets boundaries effectively. With each day, we see her moving closer to her wellness goals and having a positive impact on her peers.

It’s truly a privilege to watch Kayla grow and we’re enthused by her hard work and dedication to her goals. Kayla is truly inspirational and extraordinary!